October is Country Music Month! Apparently the Country Music Association established this in 1964, but I didn't even know about it until the other day. So I've decided to dedicate today to country music!

One thing maybe you should know about me--I love country music and it's probably something I'm going to be talking about a lot. Go ahead and judge me, but I think country is one of the most stereotyped and misunderstood (for lack of a better word) genres. My friends often refer to country as "tractor music." Yes, there is the occasional tractor song, but country is so much more than farming, tractors, and rednecks.

I too used to stereotype country into this annoying redneck/hillbilly/tractor/twangy category. It was something only my grandpa listened to--definitely not for kids my age. Then in 7th grade my best friend played me Rascal Flatts' Feels Like Today album, and I was shocked at how much I liked it. That same year Carrie Underwood was on American Idol, and I watched religiously every week to cheer on this small-town country girl who I felt I could relate to so well. From there I downward spiraled into a love for country, and what I was going to allow to be just an occasional guilty pleasure turned into more of an obsession.

Over the summer I took a class in the history of country and learned that I actually knew very little about this music that I had claimed to love since I was 12. My professor opened my eyes to the music of the Carter Family, Hank Williams, Loretta Lynn and so many more artists I had never listened to because I thought they were too "old." I learned how diverse country actually is with honky-tonk, bluegrass, Western swing, the Bakersfield and Nashville sounds. I was amazed at Hank Williams' ability to sing a seemingly simple honky-tonk song only to turn around a write a song as poetic and haunting as "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry." Although I probably won't go out and buy an album of Jimmie Rodgers songs to listen to for the heck of it, I gained an extensive appreciation for country--its roots, its sound, its meaning. Without country, we wouldn't have many of the other types of music we love and appreciate today. The sounds of country evolved into the sounds of rockabilly and rock 'n' roll that had such a huge impact and influence even on bands like The Beatles.

I understand why many people don't like the "tractor" side of country; however, I hope people will come to understand how much country has evolved over the years and how big of an influence it has had on other genres of music. Country shouldn't be put into a box labeled "Redneck and Tractor Music," but appreciated for being a genre filled with poetry, raw emotion, and some of the most amazing musicians in the business.

For those of you that only think of country as redneck/hillbilly/tractor music or have never given it a try, listen to some of these artists. Maybe you still won't like it and that's ok, but hopefully you'll be able to better understand and appreciate the genre for what it is and not just what people think it is.

Miranda Lambert
I have become obsessed with all Miranda Lambert music lately! Her music talks about everything--love, missing home, religious commentary, and really really getting back at the person that cheated on you. I especially love "Bring Me Down" and "Heart Like Mine.She's so good I don't even know what to say. Just trust me on this.

Little Big Town
If you don't live under a rock, you've probably heard Boondocks and Pontoon, but check out their other stuff! LBT are the masters of harmony, which is what made me fall in love with them. Some of my favorites are "Fine Line", "Firebird Fly," "You Can't Have Everything", and anything off their new album Tornado (it's amazing!).

I know a few people that have said they aren't huge Sugarland fans because of Jennifer Nettles' twang, but once you get past that, she has the most soulful voice you'll ever hear. Sugarland's most recent record, Incredible Machine, really pushes the limits with country, but in such an amazing and refreshing way. I love that they take huge risks and don't put limits on their music. Take a listen Incredible Machine!

Hunter Hayes
Hunter is new on the scene but I have no doubt he's going to be very successful! He's more on the pop/country line, but his music is so much fun and he's an incredible musician (check out the video for "Storm Warning"). He's definitely going to become the new teen heartthrob, but I'm ok with that! "Wanted" has become a huge hit but I also love "Faith to Fall Back On", "Cry With You" and "Everybody's Got Somebody But Me."

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    I am now going to have to check out Hunter Hayes and Little Big Town. I think it's funny I used to HATE country until you slowly had me listen to a few songs then I got hooked. Thanks a lot for my new guilty pleasure!

  2. Unknown says:

    You're welcome! And yes, Hunter Hayes and Little Big Town are incredible. What have I been telling you all these years?!

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